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Phenotypic Correlation between Guard Hair and Down Hair in Chinese Alashan Left Banner White Cashmere Goat: A Preliminary Study


近日,我所绒毛用羊研究团队与意大利卡梅里诺大学生物科学与医学学院的Stefano Pallotti 教授共同合作,在JCR Q1区Animals.上发表,题目为“Phenotypic Correlation between Guard Hair and Down Hair in Chinese Alashan Left Banner White Cashmere Goat: A Preliminary Study ”的文章。充分揭示了阿拉善盟白绒山羊被毛与羊绒表型相关性初步研究进展,阅读原文



Simple Summary: The cashmere goat’s double coat is characterized by long and coarse guard hair, which provides mechanical protection, and short andfine down hair, the luxury cashmere fiber, which provides thermal protection to the animal. The main commercial attributes of cashmere fiber are its length and fifineness and the coarse guard hair is usually discarded by the textile industry. The aim of this study was to describe the phenotypic correlation between the characteristics of the coarse guard hair and the other fiber. 

Abstract: In cashmere production studies, few trials have considered the guard hair features and their correlation with down fiber attributes. In this preliminary work, early observations on 158 one year old Chinese Alashan Left Banner White Cashmere goats were carried out. The aim was to describe the phenotypic correlation between the guard hair length and other fiber traits. The guard hair length was positively correlated with guard hair diameter and the down fiber length. Negative correlations were found between guard hair length and the coefficient of variation of guard hair diameter, between the guard hair diameter and its coefficient of variation, and between the down fiber diameter and the coefficient of variation of down fiber diameter. The body weight at first combing was not correlated with any of the other traits. 

Keywords: cashmere; Alashan; goat; guard hair; hair length

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